We build Applications incredibly
quickly and efficiently


SIB Visions | simplify IT business

Low-Code and agile user-centric development

It’s essential to understand customer and business requirements in order to create the best solution

your application

VisionX: Low-Code development platform

VisionX is a low-code platform that lets you visually develop your entire application.

2-5 times faster!

than classic development


Generated applications use only Java Open Source Frameworks!

Flexible - Change code in any Java Development Tool

Change the UI in VisionX and the Java source code changes in real time in Eclipse and vice versa.

Enterprise features for billions of data rows and thousands of users

PLAU is a product for AMS training providers (AMS Bildungsträger) to offer  efficient planning and execution of AMS training projects. This includes the scheduling of trainers, participants and rooms, the creation of frequency lists, eAMS messages and a flexible reporting system.



Energy+ is a product designed for the energy market. Energy+ consists of different modules like time management, formula repository, process-, contract-, nomination- and scheduling-management. Energy+ provides high modularity, flexibility alongside high performance at a small footprint.

Applications built with our solutions

Taxi booking:

is a taxi booking Web and mobile application for a Viennese Taxi Agency. A local alternative to uber.

Training Course ERP:

is a Desktop Application to plan, manage, and invoice training courses in training centers with over 10.000 unemployed participants per year.

Pension insurance web portal:

enables the members (=doctors) of the NAEV to view their pension information and perform services online or mobile.

We work together with: